Angharad Wynne-Thomas

Consumer Experience Advisor

Hello – bonjour – hallo – shwmae! مَرْحَبًا‎

I’m Angharad, and I work in Consumer Experience. This means I have the honour of interacting with you – the ever-growing global family of Jordans Cereals lovers! I get to use your best and brilliant ideas and feedback to make every experience with Jordans Cereals as fantastically delicious and happy as possible…

Being in the rural and rugged great outdoors is where I’m happiest, so outside work, if I’m not listening to/playing jazz, or (trying to) learn a new language, I’ll probably be exploring some remote location, and trying to convince my husband to walk ‘just a little bit further’…

Beverley Woodward

Content Manager

Hello I’m Bev!

I’ve worked for Jordans now for over 12 years – the time has literally flown, and in that time, I’ve worked on all kinds of projects for Jordans and right now I love helping people become more aware of our work with nature and biodiversity through creating interesting and helpful content. Such as building a new website, running fun competitions or partnering up with lovely influencers like Katie Rushworth to bring you some top tips to get your gardens bursting with nature. I also manage our social media platforms so pop over and give us a follow and say hello – we’d love to chat to you.

My other big passions in life are interior design – I always have a project on the go at home (poor hubbie) and love Pinterest for finding ideas. I also must visit Ibiza at least twice a year (it’s in my contract) – it’s my second home. Sadly, the clubbing days are behind me now, but I go for the boho vibe and tranquillity to recharge – if you’ve never been drop me an email, I can certainly talk for hours on the subject…. I’m also a mum to two teenagers, well I call them lodgers who don’t pay rent and a fur baby called Teddy – he’s in the photo and we cover miles and miles on our nature walks. He’s become my shadow during all these lockdowns, I’d be lost without him.

Charlotte Blampied

Brand Manager

Hi I’m Charlotte I’m a brand manager working on Jordan’s delicious Frusli bars. This means making sure our Frusli range delivers as a delicious and nutritious snack to both our loyal consumers and new ones. Some days I’ll be working on developing new flavours, or on promoting the product so it stands out on shelf, it’s always different everyday which keeps me on my toes.

I grew up in the countryside so being around nature feels like home, and I can usually be found plodding around either on my favourite walks or running around the trails at the weekend. I also love languages and spend my free time listening to audiobooks to practice, but with lockdown it will be a while until I can test out my skills!

Emma Collins

Product Development Controller

Hello, I’m Emma and I work in our product development department, working to make sure our products are the tastiest and best quality for all of you. My job means I am the lucky person who gets to eat our products every day and search for new and exciting trends and ingredients for new products, what is there not to love?

I am also a wellie boot loving mum of two, who is always found with mud up my coat and regularly at our allotment come rain or shine enjoying nature. Life is hectic but I find taking some time over dinner to talk about the little acts of kindness we have seen as family that day, makes us all feel great after a busy adventure.

Nature and the world have so much to offer and explore, getting on my bike and exploring the joys of nature gives great perspective and puts a smile on my face.

Hilary Passmore

Internal Designer & Illustrator

Hi, I’m Hilary and I have the wonderful job of bringing our brand to life with colour, design, and of course the odd illustration. Being a country girl, I grew up covered in mud and with a deep-rooted appreciation for the beauty of the rhythm of the farming year, so it’s a real pleasure to work with a brand that shares my values.

I find joy in the small things – the sunrise on an early morning run, pulling up wonky carrots from the veg plot, sitting down in a quiet place to sketch and listen to the birds singing – and I love to find new ways to be creative. I’ve been painting, drawing and sewing for as long as I can remember, and I never turn down the opportunity to try a new craft.

I was brought up to value and respect all living things (which is sometimes easier said than done!) and as I get older, I have come to appreciate just how intricate and delicate the relationship we have with Mother Nature is. Whenever I am stuck with a design I always refer to the natural world, whether to seek inspiration or to take a break, and I love how even the familiar footpaths where I live can still bring surprises after all these years.

Mark Anderson

JDR Environmental Manager

I have worked at Jordans for more years than I can probably remember having done roles mostly in operations and the world of HSE, before getting the great opportunity to work solely on all things that help protect the environment we at Jordan’s and our suppliers work in, I always had a passion for just enjoying the pleasure you can get from a walk in the countryside, and imagined what if this was lost.. what a tragedy.

Jordans as a business has always consciously cared for Nature and wildlife, I worked within the business at a time when it was a relatively small family concern, the Jordan brothers that ran it at that time really created a culture of caring about nature, especially as the site was surrounded by a river, and in such a wonderful location.. and that stuck with me as such a great value even though at that time I wasn’t sure what I could do with it.

I now look after our environmental management considerations at site, ensuring we do all we can to minimise any potential impacts on the environment as a result of what we do to produce our Jordans cereals, we are accredited to an internationally recognised Environmental standard so keeping on top of that keeps me busy, I also link that in with the great sustainability work we do throughout our supply chain, something which differentiates Jordans from just another food company.. and being able to contribute to that is amazing… gives you a really good feel factor.

What’s so exciting about the role is being able to play a part in preserving the natural world that Jordans touches, and to know that by doing what we do now, it will be there for future generations to enjoy and continue to protect… something really important to me and vital for our natural world to flourish.

When I’m not working I try and play the guitar, I also have an old classic Ford car that in the summer gets me out to local classic car shows, I’m also a new Grandad so I’ll be introducing the wonders of nature to them and hopefully encouraging a new generation to care about the environment we live in..

Melissa Green

Jordans Innovation Manager

Hi I’m Melissa!

I have the dream job of exploring new ideas and products for Jordans, from delicious new flavours to exciting new cereals and snacks. I get to work with some amazing people as we transform these new ideas into reality.

I love to cook at home for my family and friends. I am often trying out new recipes and looking for ways to add my own twist – keeping the food I make exciting, enjoyable and healthy. My first memory of cooking was from childhood, standing on a chair at the kitchen table, helping my Mum create the most delicious cakes and puddings. Nowadays, my challenge is cooking for a family of 5, including 3 hungry teenagers, one of whom is gluten free.

I try to cook with the very best ingredients available and I am inspired by Jordans who care so passionately about protecting nature – the source of all that we eat. Living in a small village that is surrounded by beautiful woodland, provides a great escape to recharge us as a family and have fun collecting the seasonal offerings: elderflowers in June for cordial, blackberries in September for crumbles, and sloes in October for gin.

Nina Howse

Digital Manager

Hi I’m Nina,

In my role as digital manager at Jordans I have a strong focus on telling our stories about the work we do in protecting and growing nature, as well as showing off our completely delicious granola. I love getting to know all about the incredible care that goes into our products and seeing the genuine passion across teams to protect biodiversity. I have to admit that before joining the team I didn’t know a huge amount about biodiversity but it’s now something I’m hugely passionate about in and out of work.

I never thought I would say this but I’m now a keen (if very slow) runner! I get so much energy from getting out in the fresh air for a run, listening to a podcast and learning something new. I’m trying my best to learn some new crafting skills and have started some cross stitch and punch needle projects. We’ll see how those go! More than anything, I love being out in nature for a good long walk and running around with my two daughters.

Nature gives me energy and a sense of perspective. I love seeing how everything works so well together – from the smallest insects to the tallest trees. Whatever happens, I always feel better after spending some time surrounded by nature.

Polly Rattue

Senior Brand Manager – Sustainability

Hi I’m Polly,

I have the wonderful job of working with our farmers, partners and NGOs to drive our sustainability agenda forwards. Jordan’s is a brand that both tastes good and does good; growing and protecting nature have always been at the heart of our brand purpose! My role is to spread the word about our sustainability stories by telling consumers all about the amazing work that we do!

I am passionate about helping people to live healthier, more sustainable lives, and making sure that we all do our bit to leave the world a better place than we found it! When I’m not working, in my free time I love long runs outside and yoga – there’s truly nothing better than a breath of fresh air and warm rays of sunshine on my face!

Tess Lomax

Brand Controller

Hi I’m Tess,

I work with everyone in the team here to ensure we’re creating great quality, delicious products for our customers now and that we’ve got the right plans and ideas to keep doing so in future years. I’m incredibly proud to be working for a brand that works with its suppliers to not only create great ingredients but also do right by the wildlife that lives alongside us.

I’m lucky enough to live in a village, with gorgeous farmland or woodland walks on my doorstep. Our Labrador loves to explore every sniff of the countryside (unfortunately for us – the smellier the better), and so walks in all types of weather are very much the norm. I find nature to be an incredibly calming influence – the creak of the trees in the woods, the smell of the ground after a downpour or the springtime cacophony of birdsong. I will never get bored of it and actively seek out its influence every day.