The ingredients we use in our cereals like wholegrain oats, dried fruits, nuts and seeds are a great source of fibre.

At Jordans, the oats and wheat and you find in our breakfast cereals are made up of every single bit of the edible grain; including the bran, germ and, wait for it… endosperm. May not sound the most glamorous but trust us these little jewels are filled with an array of vitamins, minerals and fibre. By using the wholegrain you’ll get far more nutrients.

Oats are a great idea for breakfast as they can give us the energy, we need to kick start the day, and are a great source of fibre. And just to top it all off they’re low in saturated fat too. If you’re looking into how to lower cholesterol, you’ll be interested to know that oats also contain beta glucan, which has been proven to bring cholesterol levels down*. Keeping these levels low helps to keep your heart healthy.
What’s more, oats do all of this naturally. What more could you ask for from the humble oat? Oh, that they also make our products taste scrummy too – whether it’s our creamy porridge or baked to crunchy perfection in our granolas.
*Oat beta glucan has been shown to lower blood cholesterol when consumed as part of a varied and balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. High cholesterol is a risk factor in the development of coronary heart disease. Each portion of Jordans Porridge and Granola provides at least 1g of beta glucan, a third of the recommended daily intake of 3g.

Nuts & Seeds
If you’re a nut fan, you probably love them because they’re tasty little things but they are also full of brilliant stuff too. Nuts and seeds are a great source of energy, providing essential proteins and minerals. Brazil nuts especially are a good source of selenium, which helps your immune system to function normally*
Because they typically contain fat, you might be wondering: ‘are nuts good for you?’ The fat that ingredients such as Brazil nuts contain is mainly unsaturated. With this high fat content in mind, it’s about getting the right balance – so Jordans recipes are expertly designed to give you a range of nuts, wholegrains and fruit in every bowlful to give you a healthy and delicious mix.
*Selenium contributes to the normal function of the immune system. Brazil Nuts typically contain a significant amount of the recommended daily intake of selenium.

In some of our baked cereals (the crunchy ones like Granola and Country Crisp) – sugar is used to make the clusters and create the crunchy texture which we know you love. The amount of total sugars is clearly stated on our packs both in the nutritional tables and on the front of the pack where you can find the contribution of each bowlful (45g) towards an adult’s reference intake. See our product pages for more information.
Sugar can be found both in natural sources (like fruits and milk) and can also be added into products to add texture, taste and make them last longer in your cupboard. All fruits store energy naturally in the form of sugars (fructose) – but many fruits are also a source of certain vitamins and minerals.
Sugar can be a confusing subject – so why not visit this great little website which has lots of information to help answer your questions makingsenseofsugar.com

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